Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Education Growth & Fellowship

APRIL 2010 Meeting Minutes - March 25, 2010
Recorded by: Margaret Thibodeau

Team members attending: Karen Pierce, Margaret Thibodeau, Elsa Peters.
Unable to attend: Ginny Gledhill, Carolyn Foster, Jana Frank, Jennifer Fetting.

The meeting began with introductions. We were joined by prospective member Lynne Lanctot. We spent some time discussing the organization of the Church and EG&F Team responsibilities.

The March 4th Minutes were approved.

Jana had contacted Margaret to report that Coffee Hour is going along fine.

Karen shared that the Library Committee has reported no concerns. The Scholarship Group is currently reviewing applications. The deadline for submissions was March 15th. They will inform the congregation soon of their decisions.

Margaret will check with Ginny regarding Nursery & PreK coverage for Easter Sunday. A lily has been ordered in celebration of Linda McAloon, in appreciation of her teaching the pre-kindergarten class on Easter. Margaret will also send her a card, mentioning our thanks, and that the lily can be picked up after the service.

The Team will need to begin thinking about the Church Picnic, which takes place on Sunday May 16th. Margaret will put a sign-up poster at coffee hour, asking for donations and salads. New member Sunday is May 23rd.

Elsa shared the Faith Formation Update. The Team is supportive of ordering the online version of the curriculum materials. This will save money. A sub-group called “Family Faith Formation Committee” is being formed as a sub-group of children, family, and youth ministry. Christ Kid’s Club will host a Local Foods Dinner probably on May 1st, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Approximately 40-50 people are involved in Adult Faith Formation activities, which is a great success. Aaron French, the current Youth Ministry leader will be leaving in May. Steve Ferris has agreed to lead the program next year. The Team would like to think of an appropriate thank you for Aaron before he leaves.

The next meeting will be Thursday, May 6th at 7:00 p.m.

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