Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Administration Team

Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2009

Present: Ron Bennett, Jim Otis, Eben Marsh, Guy Gledhill, Deb Sandler and Cyndi Alden (Business Manager).

Call to Order – Jim called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Per the rotation schedule Guy will record this meeting and run next meeting. Eben Marsh will record the next meeting.

Minutes of the Admin. Team January 8, 2009 meeting - reviewed and accepted as written.

Finance - Budget was O.K.; we discussed that some items like rental, taxes and some expenses were not paid yet for January. Budget shows a 26,200 deficit, but it is less; Quick Books shows more as some funds come in from different places. The budget passed on 1/25/09. We discussed the Capitol Need Expenditures; Ron asked for a list of items spent and Cyndi will supply.

Tenant Update - We have one of the three rental’s payment in - the other two have been late before but seem to get in within the month; will continue to monitor.

Room Rentals for Non-Profit – Talked about the note from the Council on the charging for the rooms that non-profits use. We generally do not like to charge these groups, but we discussed many options. We discussed the option that we could ask them to donate, or we could set up a room rental fee program. We discussed the use of the church, lights, heat, cleaning. We talked about the groups that have rental agreements with us, school, yoga, driving. They all have an agreement, and we will discuss those when they expire. We did decide that the sanctuary would have a $110 fee for events that charge a fee to get in and non-members of the church. For the rest we decided that we were providing the rooms for the community, which is what a church is for. Also we noted that many of these groups provide food for the pantry, so they are donating.

Counting – Chair Brian Wallace has this well in hand.

House – Chair Guy Gledhill - nothing to report at this time.

Planned Giving – Chairs Ron and Chris reported that they had nothing to report.

Spreadsheet of New Member Interest – Went over the spreadsheet of members that had signed up for working on committees. Members of the committees will contact.

Date of Next Meeting – Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned 8:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Guy Gledhill

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