Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2009

Members Present: Chris Keiter, Chris Dow, Dave Allen, Sally Sutton, Nancy MacLean, Carol Zechman, Elsa Peters, Jean Siulinski. A quorum was not present. All discussions will be considered recommendations that will be voted on via email after the meeting. (6/8/09 – The members of the Council voted by email to approve all the recommendations in these minutes. However, there was some disagreement regarding the Jesus birthday cake recommendation, so it will be revisited at the June meeting.)

Special Guest: Kathy Sahrbeck

Minutes Review: April’s meeting minutes should be amended to say “Delegates from our church will be attending the Maine Conference meeting on June 6th to discuss the conference’s properties.”

Minister’s Time: Elsa distributed the church calendar for the upcoming year and the updated contact list for teams and committees. She discussed a new system for distributing information to team members via email. Each team will have a distinct email instead of individual Team member’s emails appearing in any distribution list (e.g. stewardship@fcc.org ). John will set these up when he returns in the fall.

Several area musicians and other groups have been sending Elsa CDs and making requests to use our sanctuary for events. Elsa is not comfortable with the event content for some of the groups. We reviewed the current sanctuary rental protocol. Chris read parts of an email from Shirley Curry expressing her concerns about use of the sanctuary/ communication related to its use and potential conflicts with her practice schedule. The team discussed the potential need for better guidelines to determine appropriate use and who should be included in the oversight and clarification of rental fee structure. Currently John McCall and Cyndi Alden have approval oversight and Elsa reported that there is an easily available schedule of events being held in the sanctuary. The Council recommends that John and Cyndi continue to have sole decision making authority. It also recommends that the Admin. Team work to define appropriate uses and revise the rental fee structure, as appropriate. Deb Andrews is currently researching information on what other comparable sites charge for rental fees

Elsa requested guidance on distribution of Pilgrim Lodge camperships. There is $2,000 in this year’s fund. The Council recommends that each camper be given $100 towards one camp session. Family members should each be given $100 each towards to cost of the family session.

CCM Fund Raising Question: Kathy Sahrbeck requested guidance on how she might raise funds from church members to assist an individual with compelling needs. The Council suggested various community sources and going directly to the Missions Team, but any solicitation to church members, via the church service, Beacon, etc. were deemed out of line with our church fundraising policy.

Council Nominations: Chris reviewed the nominations for Council to be presented at the annual meeting on 5/31. Bob Morse, Roger Addor, and Carrie Skeffington will be joining the Council.

Business Referral Directory: Discussion for all interested church members will be held after church on June 14.

Comprehensive Church Budget: Admin. Team continues to work on this initiative.

Beacon Promotion: Council members agreed that the AIRE Theatre promotion to church members appeared to be a business advertisement and perhaps should not have been printed in the Beacon. Sally Sutton and Chris Keiter agreed to form a committee to talk about how outside groups might promote products and services to the congregation members.

Hospitality Tasks: EG&F has expressed concerns that their Team should not have sole responsibility for all major “food events”. Each event was reviewed to determine whether SL&W or EG&F was the more appropriate Team to coordinate the activity. Council recommends the following:
- SLW: Ash Wednesday Breakfast, Good Friday Supper, Elder Luncheon
- EF&G: Church Picnic, Confirmation Celebration, Coffee Hours
- Search Committee: New Minister Welcome, New Minister Installation
- Eliminate: Jesus' birthday cake on Christmas Eve

Homecoming Sunday: Council members felt it was still a viable event. EF&G is working on an exciting “gimmick” for this September.

Rummage: Guptill Hall is filling with rummage sale items and looking a little “trashy”. Council will request that the Mission Team make a decision about what to do with all of the stuff and ensure that it is gone by September.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Recorded by Carol Zechman.

Next Meeting: June 18th.

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