Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Diversity Committee

Meeting Minutes of May 3, 2009

Attendance: Joan Carrier, Carol Scheffler, Dolores Broberg, Mike Kasputes, Kathy Cotter, Connie Baskett, Pam Herrmann.

Joan opened the meeting with a prayerful thought.

- Joan passed around a thank you note from Betsy Parsons for GLSEN for our $100 contribution.

- We also received a recommendation from the UCC General Synod suggesting we show the movie "Tying the Knot" to our congregation. Kathy will purchase the movie for our church library.

- Women in Harmony: We are waiting for WIH to respond to our invitation regarding use of our church space for next year's year concert (s).

- Clothing for the Preble Street Teen Center: Delores delivered a box for clothing for the Preble Street Teen Center. We are waiting until the Fall to fully organize a plan for teen clothing. The teens are welcome to clothing from the children's closet if teen clothing is available. There will not be a rummage sale until fall so no summer clothing was available from the rummage sale, but winter clothing was deemed to be more needed.

- Funding for SPHS Gay/Straight Alliance transportation to GLSEN events: Sheryl Kiernan, SPHS office manager, will check on the needed funds regarding transportation to GLSEN events. A member of the congregation has agreed to match all contributions (up to $1,000) received from the congregation for transportation to these events. It's very important for young people to get to these events and we need to help. The Diversity Committee Funds are shared with Social Witness and capped at $800 so it is necessary to ask the congregation for assistance.

Delores and Carol are going to work on a proposal for funding and take the proposal to the cabinet for approval. Carol will set up the meeting, and Delores will make the presentation at the next church council meeting. Their request was accepted, and they have been placed on the agenda for the June 18th council meeting.

- The Diversity Committee expressed concern regarding the youth of our church. We want to be sure the youth are involved and informed on GLBT issues and encouraged to participate.

- The suggestion was made for the youth of the church to participate in Diversity Sunday next year. This idea will be presented to Elsa or Steve Ferris to get their input and assistance.

- Everyone was very pleased with the March 15th Forum led by John and Elsa after worship. Everyone freely expressed their views and respectfully listened to the views and feelings of others. In the fall, Elsa will lead a Bible study group, and John will host a discussion on the separation of church and state to help answer some expressed concerns.

- Marvin Ellison: Marvin Ellison will be here to speak with us on October 22, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in Wright Pavilion. The committee will be doing publicity to involve others outside the church as well. Susan Young was also mentioned as another good speaker for future events.

- The Diversity Committee will view the movie "Tying the Knot" and show it to the congregation after worship on either September 20th or September 27th. The committee will view the video on June 9th. Deb Theriault has purchased the video "Anyone and Everyone" and will be donating it to the church for all to use.

- Pride Parade: The Diversity Committee wants to have a presence in the Pride Parade. An open invitation will made welcoming anyone in the congregation to join us. We'll ask Elsa to make the announcement from the pulpit. We voted not to advertise in the Pride Guide. Deb will also write an article for the Beacon.

- A discussion for using hidden diversity stories for worship and after worship was tabled until the next meeting.

- It was brought to our attention that the UCC Coalition shows a list of open and affirming churches. Most churches had internet links, but we did not have direct access. Deb was chosen to be our contact with the UCC and will check into the matter.

- Joan will prepare our annual report from the year's minutes.

- Our next meeting will be June 9th at 11:30 a.m. to view the video "Tying the Knot".

Joan closed the meeting with prayerful thought on Psalm 139.

Respectfully Submitted
Pam Herrmann

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