Thursday, August 21, 2008

Education, Growth and Fellowship

August 20, 2008

Recorder: Margaret Thibodeau
Next Meeting: 9/11/08
Attendance: Ginny Gledhill, Amy Foster, Jayne Quinn-Sawtelle, Elsa Peters, Margaret Thibodeau

Opening & Introductions
New Team members Karen Pierce-Souza and Aaron French were not able to attend this meeting.

The 5/1/08 Minutes were read and approved.

Update on Summer Activities
Nursery: Amy and Jayne found volunteers to cover babysitting in the nursery (to assist Diane). Elsa has been paying the volunteers each Sunday. Jayne has checked on the nursery Sunday mornings. Attendance has been low overall.

Lemonade on the Porch: Ginny has been coordinating volunteers. Margaret has made sure lemonade and cookies are available each Sunday.

Youth Ministry and Christian Education: Elsa started her new responsibilities this summer as director of Christian education. Aaron French will join our Team as the new YM coordinator. He begins September 2nd. His schedule has not been determined yet.

Adult and Christian Education
Elsa will be coordinating Christian education programs for children through adults. This will be called “Faith Formation”. Elsa reported that most teachers for Sunday School have been recruited for the fall session. There is still a need for a 7th/8th grade teacher, as well as substitutes and superintendents. Some grade levels will be grouped, although no class sizes go beyond 12 children. A schedule was distributed, which indicated that Christ Kid’s Club will now meet on the fourth Sunday of each Monday, so Elsa can be in attendance. The idea was proposed of not having Sunday School classes on holidays. This would encourage intergenerational worship, as well as appeal to many teachers. The Team was supportive of this concept. Sunday school will start September 14th.
Elsa also informed the Team that only two youth had signed up for Confirmation this year. Therefore, there will not be a Confirmation Class this year. In 2009/2010, youth in the 8th, 9th, and 10th grades will all be able to participate in Confirmation. After that, it will be offered during a student’s 8th grade year.

Subgroups & Team Responsibilities
Each member of the EG&F Team will serve as a contact person for a “sub-group”. We are pleased to have Karen Pierce-Souza join our Team this year. Responsibilities are organized as follows:
Coffee Hour Ginny Gledhill
Library Karen Pierce-Souza
Scholarship Amy Foster
Nursery Jane Quinn-Sawtelle
Faith Formation Elsa Peters
Youth Ministry Aaron French
Hospitality/Inquirers Margaret Thibodeau (Team contact)
Team members hope to involve more volunteers this year in each of the subgroups.

Homecoming Sunday
Coverage and needs for Homecoming Sunday (September 7th) were discussed. Margaret will submit appropriate forms to the church office.

Next Meeting
Thursday, September 11th @ 7:00 PM

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