Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Green Action Group

May 29, 2008

Present: Janis Albright, Louise Davis, Sarah Ellsworth, Barbara Merrill, Dick Merrill, Ed Saxby, Jim Van Hoeven

Ed opened the meeting with a discussion of bulletin boards. Space is now available to us thanks to the Mission Team, Social Witness Ministries, and the Diversity Committee. Sarah offered to take responsibility for our use of bulletin boards for educational purposes. She presented information on ReStore on Forest Avenue that sells new and reusable building materials and contributes to Habitat for Humanity. She will post information regarding this recycling opportunity. Ed contributed a poster on National Trails Day so people could learn of a special day to enjoy the outdoors and to possibly help in building/maintaining trails.

Sarah talked with Elsa regarding the computer as a communication tool for providing people with information about the environment and about stewardship of the earth. For example, people could register to receive monthly news and links to groups such as the Maine Council of Churches and Maine Interfaith Power and Light. Lisa Merchant has offered to contribute when we have a program set up. Elsa plans to offer computer training in the Fall through Social Witness Ministries.

Jim will offer a 3-4 week program on Creation Theology in the Fall. Dates need to be cleared with Cyndi.

Leslie Gatcombe-Hynes tried to reach Ray Sirois to do a program. It seems best to arrange a presentation by Ray in the Fall.

Ed contacted Gary Roberts who is glad to lead a group on a walk focusing on the environment. A potluck at church could follow. September or October seems like a good time to schedule this.

Janis offered to work with the Library Committee on building a collection of books for the church library. We could encourage people to donate books to this effort. The Maine Conference UCC has a lending library and Janis will contact them. There will be a need to make church attendees aware of this new resource.

Barbara will serve as secretary for the Green Action Group.

A letter and a donation were sent to the Maine Council of Churches in recognition of Anne D. Burt’s presentation at our church on Creation Sunday.

Our group decided to meet on the last Thursday of each month during June, July, and August. We will meet at 7 pm in Davidson Lounge. Barbara will schedule this with Cyndi. During this time we will work to plan our programs for September, October, and November.

There was discussion about zeroing-in on 2-3 projects for next year.
There is considerable interest in food and supporting local farms. We could arrange activities around food; for example, teaching people how to can food. There is the Be a Good Apple program and the Community Supported Agriculture program. Louise talked about the possibility of doing a vegetable garden each spring on church property.
We talked about getting together with other faith communities, sharing ideas and concerns, and working together on some green action ideas. Ed shared a draft of a six-month pilot project on engaging neighbors in carbon emission reductions as an example of something an interfaith group could do. Jim and Ed will contact other faith groups to set up an interfaith meeting for the Fall.
Jim talked about a program available through The Teaching Company, wherein teachers lecture on a variety of topics. There is a program available on Global Warming for $34 for 12 lectures (30 minutes each). There was enthusiasm about this as a means of educating ourselves and church members. We could offer a half hour show followed by a half hour discussion right after church for a series of Sundays.

At our last meeting, Janis raised the question of the Green Action Group developing a mission statement. She prepared a draft stating some goals, objectives and methods, and assessment. Dick shared his thoughts on the global environment and questioned if we can do enough to make a difference. The importance of working together as a group and working with other faith groups was stressed. Ed suggested an effort of very practical suggestions on how “You Can Prevent Global Warming”. Through prayer and education we can equip ourselves and our church to be stewards of God’s creation. Janis and Sarah will work together to propose a mission statement based on ideas offered during our discussion of same. That will become the first part of the Goals draft that Janis presented at this meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Merrill

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