Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Council Minutes

Present: Deb Andrews, Chris Dow, Dave Allen, Stan Jordan, Chris Keiter, Carol Zechman, Sally Sutton, Jean Siulinski, Elsa Peters and John McCall

Absent: Matt Brucker , Paul Gray and Dan Cummings

OPENING: Carol opened the meeting at 6:30 with a quote. Chris K. reviewed the Meeting Agenda. Last month’s minutes were approved.

MINISTER’S TIME: John reminded the council that Kim Early’s resignation is effective at the end of this Sunday School year, but Kim has graciously agreed to help orient her replacement. EF&G is planning to honor Kim’s exceptional contributions at the May 18th Children’s Celebration Service. John relayed a story from last Sunday’s service about a family who has recently attended our church. John spoke with the father who said his daughter loved her Sunday school class and they had a wonderful feeling in the presence of our congregation. April 28th is the next inquirers Meeting. All are welcome to attend and share in the discussion. Elsa reported that we need 2 new delegates for the annual FCC-UCC meeting. The meeting is June 20th-June22nd. Elsa make a request for interested volunteers in the Beacon. Elsa also advised us that confirmation Sunday is May 4th. There will be a change in the Youth Ministry Structure. Instead of JYM, SYM and the combined Jump meetings, there will be one combined group for 6th-12th graders. The 4 current lay leaders are working out well and lay leadership is important to ensure consistency when ministerial leadership changes.

Survey Feedback: Council members reviewed copies of the team comments. Concerns expressed about a couple of comments related to support vs. guidance from the council. Discussion ensued about how to involve council in team meetings and issues. Decision was made to have groups of two council members
attend each team meeting. Chris took down the names of council members that would be available on May 1st.

Web Site: Elsa asked the council whether they thought minutes and annual calendar would be helpful additions to the church web site. There was agreement that they would, but minutes should still be sent vis email, as well.

Budget Follow-Up: Council members though Cindy’s presentation and follow-up information were very helpful.

Interest Inventory Questionnaire: Discussion ensued about how the questionnaires are updated, do new members receive it (yes), who will “own” the forms. Elinor Redmond has volunteered to follow-up with individuals about what they have indicated their interests are. Stan suggested we add sub-committees to the
Questionnaire, so people can volunteer for more specific tasks.

Piano Funding: Stan asked how we could tell which funds could be used to fund the needed renovations. Chris outlined the various available funds. Sally requested that there be a listing of what other church projects might need these funds, or might not be completed because certain funds would be diverted to the piano renovations. A sub-committee (Chris K, Carol and Dave) was formed to explore the funding options in more detail and make recommendations to the council.

By-Laws: Stan and Paul continue to review and modify the new by-laws that Dan prepared.

Nominations: Lengthy discussion about council nominations and the need to have full slate of team members for the congregation to vote on at the Annual Meeting on April 27th. Chris will contact teams to get their lists and prepare the Annual Meeting report. Jean will call the suggested nominees for Church Council.

Space Use Request: Carol reviewed her meeting with George Pressley and his proposal to use church space to assist low income individuals in accessing affordable medications. Carol will contact the church(s) he worked with New Hampshire and report back to the council vis email.

The next meeting is Thursday, May 15th at 7pm.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:40.

Respectfully submitted by Carol Zechman

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